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goodbye and gift card

Creating great multichannel experiences

With an heartly leave-taking from the department I checked out from Media-Saturn eBusiness. On friday was the last time to cling classes after almost two years in the realms of eCommerce. For me it was an exiting and challenging time as a user experience designer being occupied with demanding themes like optimizing the checkout experience. A task hurdeled with many legal, sales line and country requirements.

I took also a deep dive into recommendations, conducting a proof of concept for a reco engine and accompanied the frontend integration of same day delivery and other services. I am convinced that Media-Saturn is going to lash out and has already reached a feature rich, which can easily compete with other pure player offerings and excells some. The a growth in online sales of around 30 precent it is slightly above the overall German ecommerce growth rate of 27 percent (Source: